4 Facts About Massage Therapy for Athletes
While it’s true that massage helps to reduce stress, relieve tension, and even eliminate insomnia, massage therapy has plenty of other applications. At PMR, our massage therapists frequently focus their healing efforts on athletes of all types, from full-on professionals to YMCA enthusiasts.
As a matter of fact, pro athletes have relied on massage therapy as a core component of their off-court training regimens for years. As more research is conducted regarding the efficacy of massage therapy, the science finally seems to be catching up. In this post, we’ll examine four interesting facts about the application of massage therapy...
Our Unique Approach to Treating Patients
In our blog, we’ve often touched on PMR’s unique approach to treating our patients. In fact, we believe that our method of treating each patient’s pain, conditions, and other complaints offers the best of all worlds—and as you’ll see, our patients seem to agree with us.
At PMR, there are a few key principles that set us apart. First, we’re always completely focused on the individual patient. Rather than simply trying to cure an illness or fix a joint, we take the time to understand our patient’s unique goals, then tailor a treatment plan to get them there in...